Sanitary Napkin Vending Machine
Sanitary Napkin Vending Machine:

Nakshatra Technology developed a wide range of sanitary napkin vending machine: Fully automatic, Semi- automatic, and Manually operated. These machine are Horizontal model and Vertical model.
- Immediate access to napkins any-time of the day
- The convenience of purchasing the product independently
- Self-dispensing of the napkin at the drop of a coin.
- Saves the embarrassment of seeking napkins in the peer group or from authorities.
- Can be calibrated to accept coins of any country by just inserting sample coin.
- Can be solar operated, manufactured for areas with no power supply.
- Horizontal model- 50 pads.
- Vertical model- 100 pads.
For demo, Free Trial and Quote
call on: +91 9209202991 or contact us
on info@nakshatratechnology.org